Essential oils can affect your mood simply by smelling their aromas. Scents send a message to the brain, triggering a specific emotional response. With a little bit of knowledge, you can learn how to harness the mood-boosting powers of these oils. A little goes a long way in brightening your attitude the all-natural way.
Which Essential Oil for Your Mood?
- • If you’re feeling tense, try lavender because it calms the mind.
- • If you’re feeling tired, try wild orange because it invigorates the mind and senses.
- • If you’re feeling scattered, try basil because it increases concentration and focus.
- • If you’re feeling stressed, try bergamot because it relieves tension and anxiety.
- • If you’re feeling forgetful, try rosemary because it improves memory and alertness.
- • If you’re feeling angry, try ylang-ylang because it helps release negative emotions.
- • If you’re feeling sad, try clary sage because it helps boost self-esteem, confidence, and hope
- • If you’re feeling anxious, try chamomile because it improves inner harmony and decreases anxiety.
Essential Oil Facts
- 1. Dilute essential oils with a carrier oil before topical use. Since essential oils are very potent and concentrated, a few drops go a long way.
- 2. Always test your skin for sensitivity to essential oils. Never ingest oils, even if the manufacturer claims it is a safe practice, unless you’re receiving a medical professional’s counsel/treatment.
- 3. Learn which essential oils can’t be used around children and animals.
Discover ways to harness the mood-boosting powers of essential oils in our Willow and Sage magazine.
Danielle Williams is the managing editor for Willow and Sage, The Natural Home Issue, Mingle, and Art Quilting Studio. She lives with her growing family in Orange County, California.