
Essentials for Perfect At-Home Spa Evening

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Photo Credit: Rebecca Lee

What’s more luxurious than an at-home spa evening? With a few simple items, you can create a rejuvenating experience, helping you to feel refreshed to take on a new day. Below you’ll find our favorite essentials for a perfect at-home spa evening.

Essentials for Perfect At-Home Spa Evening

1. Bath Salts

Sprinkle bath salts in your tub to provide your skin with a little more TLC. Click here to see our special rosebud bath salt recipe!

2. Candles

Photo by The Herbal Academy

Add a dash of romance to your evening with the calming ambience of candles. Our special edition Candle Issue is filled with recipes for making your own natural candles.

3. Scented Soap Bars

Fragrant soaps make an evening of self-care that much more lavish! Get everything you need to make lemon lavender soaps with our soap-making kit.

4. Cozy Socks

After your bath, throw on something soft and comforting. Our cozy socks make a wonderful option!

5. Reading Material

Now that you’re feeling refreshed and cozy, grab your favorite blanket and get lost in an inspiring story đź’— If you’re looking for your next read, you may enjoy the Bella Grace collection filled with heartfelt sentiments.

What is your spa evening routine like? Share with us in the comments below!

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